Learn About Network Marketing From Robert Kiyosaki
Anyone who ever doubts the power of network marketing would be well advised to spend some of their time consuming the content of Robert Kiyosaki's books You will for sure be inspired and motivated.
He has produced a number of self help type and business success books, Robert himself is an extremely successful business man. If you are a network marketer then I expect you have heard of and maybe (hopefully) read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad'. A book that you simply must read if you haven't already.
He has written 15 books so far and sold over a whopping 26 million copies! Prior to his days in business he served as a helicopter pilot in the Vietnam war..
Creating wealth by investing, property and direct marketing are Robert's focus in most of his teachings. As he has been very successful himself in all these areas he is well qualified to teach us. Almost anybody can see that its far better to build your own financial security rather than working for someone else. You will never get rich working someone else's dream, you may get a good salary, but you will never be stinking rich! You are far smarter getting business to work for you.
The longer I stay in this marketing game, the more surprised I get at the sheer number of folks who are quite happy to stick in their so called 'secure' job and never take any action to remove themselves from the masses and create for themselves lifestyle & prosperity. They say they want freedom but never actually do anything about it!.
The business of Network Marketing has revolutionised free enterprise and opens the door for many more people to create for themselves a stable financial future. Most traditional businesses you would need to invest thousands of dollars, but most Network Marketing deals you can get into for $100 - $600. Also consider just how many millionaires have been created in this industry.
There is unquestionably massive interest in the work of Robert Kiyosaki, he has come under fire though from people who say that his books lack any actual teaching on how to put into practice what he is teaching. i.e. practical advice on how to set up a business. Whilst that's true, you still can get an incredible amount of benefit from his material. Lets face it, unless you have the right mindset then you are not really in a position for success are you?
You will probably be motivated and ready to go build your empire by the time you have finished his books, but what will you need then? The 2 things network marketers need most of all is leads and cash. It stands to reason that a lack of leads will mean that your network marketing business simply won't grow. This is actually one of the biggest stumbling blocks for new distributors. Its also worth noting that a lack of cash flow is a prime reason that people quit the industry after only a short period of time.. This can be a real killer when it comes to building a team.
The good news is that both those problems are not actually that difficult to solve if you can get your head around the internet. Many of the top distributors are today using the internet to grow their business and creating ridiculous incomes in the process.
Just imagine if you too were receiving over 50 leads a day into your business and creating fast upfront cash flow, perhaps that would move you closer to your goals?